Murder on Edisto

Title of Book: Murder on Edisto
By: C. Hope Clark
Genre: Mystery

Book Excerpt: When her husband is murdered by the Russian mob, Boston detective Callie Jean Morgan suffers a mental break and relinquishes her badge to return to South Carolina. She has no idea how to proceed with her life, but her son deserves to move on with his, so she relocates them to the family vacation home.

But the day they arrive on Edisto Beach, Callie finds her childhood mentor and elderly neighbor murdered. Her fragile sanity is threatened when the murderer taunts her, and the home that was to be her sanctuary is repeatedly violated. Callie loses her fight to walk away from law enforcement as she becomes the only person able to pursue the culprit who’s turned the coastal paradise into a paranoid patch of sand where nobody’s safe. But what will it cost her?

An explosion shot flames out of the roof. She pulled against the officer. “John!”

Firemen labored to unravel more hoses. In the background, she heard Jeb screaming for his father above all the sirens and people hollering.

A deafening blast. The force hurled her and the cop backward across the lawn. Air whooshed from her lungs as her back slammed into the grass. She lay half-dazed, but pain still tore through her left forearm.

Two firemen lifted her and smothered her burning sleeve, careful not to hit the jagged piece of embedded shrapnel.

She stared numb at the burning wreckage of her home as someone fussed over her arm. No one could have survived.

Then, as if to confirm the terrible finality, she caught the reality of John’s death in the sorrow of a fireman’s eyes, the slow shake of his head to his partner. Their glance back at her.

Jeb beat his way through the throng and threw himself into her arms. At first she didn’t hear his sobs, then her son’s deep wrenching cries reverberated hard against her collarbone. She dug her fingers into his hair, her injured arm around his trembling body.

“Shhh,” she said against Jeb’s shoulder. She couldn’t bring herself to say everything would be all right. Nothing would ever be right again. As she stroked his head, she squeezed her eyes shut and her tears leaked into his shirt. She could pray John was kidnapped, but her heart told her it just wasn’t so.


Author Bio: C. Hope Clark holds a fascination with the mystery genre and is author of The Carolina Slade Mystery Series as well as the Edisto Beach Series, both set in her home state of South Carolina. In her previous federal life, she performed administrative investigations and married the agent she met on a bribery investigation. She enjoys nothing more than editing her books on the back porch with him, overlooking the lake with bourbons in hand. She can be found either on the banks of Lake Murray or Edisto Beach with one or two dachshunds in her lap. Hope is also editor of the award-winning Find out more about her at

Author Contact Links:
Twitter – @hopeclark

Where to purchase the book: and anywhere books are sold. Autographed copies available at

1 Comment

Filed under Authors, Books, e-books, Genre, Murder Mystery, Mystery

One response to “Murder on Edisto

  1. hopeclark

    Thanks for featuring Murder on Edisto! It’s in every rental on Edisto Beach, and the bookstore there can hardly keep it in stock. If you can’t get to the beach, hopefully this is the next best thing.
