When God Is Silent


Author Bio:


Kellie Lane, a native of Lexington, MS is a passionate orator and writer of God’s spoken word. She is an author, motivational speaker, and professional life coach. Kellie has dedicated her life to the work of encouraging others to reach their maximum potential in Christ. Her message to the world is ” Don’t give up, push, pray, and persist ” until you reach the point of breakthrough. In addition to writing and speaking, Kellie serves our nation’s veterans a Family Nurse Practitioner.


Author Links – The link for any or all of the following…





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Twitter: @kellieelane


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Book Genre: self- help/inspirational,spiritual growth
Publisher: Creation House

Release Date: March 4, 2014

Buy: Amazon | Christian Books | BN | BooksAMillion

Book trailer:

Book Description:WHENGODISILENT_front

“When God is Silent” confirms through scripture that God indeed hears the cries of his elect and the broken hearted. The book explains to the reader why he or she may be waiting on the answers to their prayers and how to endure in a season of silence. It also reveals how to recognize “God’s answer” if he chooses to answer differently than what we anticipate. The take home message is “ Never Give up! Even if God is not talking he’s still listening”. We must learn to “push, pray, and persist” until we reach the point of breakthrough. God desires to give only the best to his children. We must understand this.

Excerpt Two:


Chapter 12

Alternate Ending

I believe that God’s gifts and blessings are

abundantly laid before us. Most of the time, it’s

up to us to find our way to them. God has done

His part and it’s up to us to complete the task.

—Arina Nikitina


Declaring the end from the beginning, and from

ancient times the things that are not yet done,

saying, my counsel shall stand, and I will do all my


—Isaiah 46:10

Have you ever walked away from a movie wishing

for an alternate ending? You watched in anticipation

with popcorn in hand. Then all of a sudden the script takes

an unexpected turn. You find yourself thinking, “This can’t

be the end! They could’ve done better than that!” Perhaps

the movie you watched was a sequel to your favorite

movie. Your expectations were set high. You rushed out

and bought tickets early. You waited in line out in the cold

for hours without one murmur or complaint. Yet you left


the theater unfulfilled. Thank God that this only happens

in movies, right? Well, maybe.

Ponder this question for a moment. What happens when

the script of your life takes an unexpected turn? You know,

when life throws you a curve ball? Perhaps you had it all

planned out. You would marry the perfect person, raise

the perfect family, live in the perfect home, enjoy perfect

health, and enjoy the best job on earth. But then something

happened. You didn’t see it coming. Everything was

going just fine, and then all of a sudden without warning

the bottom fell out. All of your hopes and dreams traveled

south and you found your life in a mess.

Perhaps that once so perfect marriage turned into hell

on earth right before your eyes and you were faced with the

embarrassment of divorce. What happens when the once

so perfect job is now stressing you out beyond belief? What

do you do when your perfect child becomes not so perfect?

What happens when even those in your inner circle are

secretly planning your demise? Do you fold? Think about

it. What happens when you’d rather censor your personal

testimony than let others know about all of the hell that

you are actually going through? What do you do when

you’re doing everything you can to hold things together

and without sympathy the world keeps pounding on you.

Your heart is aching with disappointment; so many “what

ifs.” Had I only done this or done that. You feel defeated.

Yet those who want to see you fail are viscously leaning

over you trying to check a pulse. Do you accept it or do

you rise up out of your ashes so that God will get the glory

out of your story? Well, let me encourage you to rise up!



Filed under Authors, Books, Self-Help

2 responses to “When God Is Silent

  1. dino0726

    Thank you for the post. The subject matter is of great interest to people today who are wondering why God isn’t hearing them. He is always still right here with us. 🙂
    D. Coto (fictionzeal.com) – Pit Crew


  2. Thank you for hosting today! Great looking post! from VBTC
